The Trusted Reference for Cross Border Payments
RPGC specializes in the process of payment vendor selection. When we run RFPs, we can manage the end...
We love learning about new payments products such as gateways, billing engines, real-time banking pr...
Every RPGC engagement begins with a Payments Workshop to determine the specifications of an engageme...
Smartsheet“RPGC was very helpful to my team in quickly assessing potential credit card processors and making the appropriate recommendation for our business. It was great to be able to call them and get an answer in a timely manner.”
Trusona“RPGC really understands the payments business from the perspective of the merchants, card issuers and processors as well as Fintech companies. They brings great insights into any strategy development requiring that cross-industry knowledge.”
Head of Commerce Platform Product
“I have known Rene for a long time now and truly consider him as an expert for all things payments. The best aspect of Rene is that while he is an expert he has his learning mode turned ON always, which demonstrates his passion to this area.”