Every RPGC engagement begins with a Payments Workshop to determine the specifications of an engagement or to provide immediate tactical support or strategic direction. Each of these workshops leaves our clients with actionable deliverables that leverage the payments function in support of business objectives. During these engagements, we address specific tasks such as MID mapping, rollout implementation, or define requirements. Our strategically-minded workshops can leave our clients with a developed strategy to accept payments at a global scale, payment product concepts or go-to-market initiatives.
Our Process
- We learn your current environment by reviewing documentation and interviewing stakeholders to jointly define strategic objectives for payments.
- We define the required operational framework required to achieve your strategic objectives
- With the strategic objective defined, we then identify the legal, organizational, and operational requirements
- We process-map the interactions within your ecosystem to track every payment use-case.
- We determine the next steps and provide recommendations
If you’ve brought us in to solve a specific emergency, then that becomes the focus of the engagement instead. What matters is that our deliverables to you have actionable tasks that you can execute and that your leadership understands the value of completing those activities.
RPGC really understands the payments business from the perspective of the merchants, card issuers and processors as well as Fintech companies. They bring great insights into any strategy development requiring that cross-industry knowledge.